Most Influencing Digital Marketing Trends for 2020


Everything about digital marketing is changing at a great pace. Businesses are ceaselessly keeping eye on the digital growth and there’s an obvious market flutter that can be seen and felt. Their stakes and goals are taking online roles. Their chase for audiences and brand value is incessantly dwelling on the digital networks.

In response, platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, and LinkedIn are growing in every form and dimension to take up advanced user engagement traits. Every day you wake up to a new digital choice. And the possibilities are taking a new shape every minute ticking!

You cannot control every act and role of digital marketing but you can know where it is moving from a whole perspective, taking a cue from these digital marketing trends for 2020.

Digital Marketing Trends for 2020

1. The Rise of Social Influencer Marketing


The growth of influencer marketing is going to be a go-to tactic for online branding and promotions in 2020. Knowing it better – with this form of digital marketing businesses leverage on internet celebs and influencers with huge followers to market their products and services. It was already in a popular practice in 2019 and many businesses are regularly reaching out to a potential base and connecting with the audience by engaging influencers to endorse their word of business.

The brain science behind it says – 92% of people trust recommendations from public figures and role models. Not surprisingly, the community platforms with most celebrities and community leaders like Instagram and TikTok registered for the most influencer marketing campaigns in 2019. And this is going to take a bigger shape in digital marketing trends for 2020.

2. Micro-moments to Leave a Major Impact


Micro-moments are simply the internet-rich instances where users make a quick decision on things like what to buy, how to travel or where to eat. With time the idea of impulsive buying and on-the-move service is gaining more attention and 2020 is going to be the year when these micro-moments will leave a major impact on digital marketing practices. This would require marketers and businesses to be agile, useful, and effective with their ad pitches on digital media. They might implement conversational marketing or advanced chatbots to help them cater to the micro-moments effectively.

Though it would still follow a linear customer buying journey with a sequence – awareness, consideration, and decision. But, all of this would happen in a flash of a moment and therefore, you need to be sensitively detailed and smooth with your pitch and know how to catch the micro-moment pulse creating wonderful have-to-buy moments.

3. Streaming Video Ad Engagement


Video is the future of content distribution. More users are taking up videos as their first choice to consume information and get entertained as it is a faster, effortless and more interactive way to interface with content.

This is the reason businesses are increasingly showing interest in video promotions. And as per reports, the marketing budget for video ad engagement is increasing by 25% every year. The clear reason is, about 74% of people in the US stream video at least once in a week. However, 41% do this on a daily basis. 78% of which watch ads against free content.

Which shows a huge opportunity lying ahead for online marketers and this is only going to grow with time. And it makes sense to keep it in your marketing checklist the upcoming year.

4. Advanced Technology to Take On

Advanced Technology

Everything from 5G mobile network technology to advancements in AI and ML is going to change the way you engage digitally. The most significant would be the way you search, access and refer to online content. And this is going to extensively impact the way digital users act and respond to online communication.

Also, you need to take into consideration the latest technological capabilities and implement them to maximum capacity. For example, you should use Voice Search capabilities while designing your digital campaigns and plan your keywords strategy accordingly.

Further, the connected TVs and OTT (over the top media) would allow users to interact dynamically with high-end digital elevation supported by cross-platform streaming technology. And of course, better Artificial Intelligence and Big Data support would continue to transform the game to the next level.

5. Interactive Content Would get a Bigger Role to Play

Interactive Content

As per a study on online user behavior and interests, over 90% of users are looking for interactive content online. You can see a lot of new and interactive ways to interface with the audience including shoppable posts, programmatic advertising, 360-degree video, AR/VR projections, gamified engagements, quizzes and polls, and live forums.

A good example is the one that you see on Instagram where you get to see feature ads that allow you to tap on various display points and get the name and price of the products displayed in the frame. Now, these digital ads are uncluttered, lean and engaging, and leave an impact on the user. Therefore, these are growing phenomena and you can see these grow both in volume and intensity in 2020.

6. Social Media Stories to Wage High


User stories are on a big high. These started with Snapchat and went on to become a widely accepted social media conduct gradually. The idea was picked by Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp steadily and now it is a norm to post a self-collapsible story and share it with the profile audience. You have TikTok and other reeling apps doing great on a similar concept and have registered a huge following.

With their never-slowing-down popularity, social media stories are going to rule the marketing trends in 2020. This time it should go further to engage audiences with aggressive marketing techniques establishing constant engagement with followers and grabbing the opportunity and reach out to the most responsive and active set of audiences that converts.

7. Content Marketing will Continue to go Strong


The new BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) updates from Google, made it very clear that the system would be programmed and trained to respond to more natural content and favor the language that real people use.

Rolling out this update in 2019 (the biggest since 2015’s RankBrain), Google’s John Mueller suggested, that now it is more important that you focus on more elementally natural aspects of content. Therefore, consider writing content for users and market it to make it connect with real people.

About 88% of B2B marketers are thinking the same and want to make the most of it going with well-written contextually relevant content. And as per numbers, it is going to cost you 62% less than any outbound marketing practice and get you 3x results with your efforts. So, there’s no doubt that you see content marketing to go strong in 2020.


These are going to be the top trending digital marketing ideas and practices of 2020. Going with these can put you in control of great marketing possibilities on the digital landscape. You can combine these, put them to collaborate with your tactics, use these to suit your agenda, and you should be seeing great results coming to you.


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